12 June 2024

What’s on THIS week

Thursday 13 June, 11 am – U3AC Choir Concert – Melodious Summer Medley – details in Reminders below.

Friday 14 June – end of Summer term and academic year.


What’s on NEXT week

Tuesday 18 June at 1 pm – The Film Group screening will be Borsalino at Arts Picturehouse. This is the last film screening of the term. Members are reminded that all U3AC Film Group films start promptly at 1.00 pm.

Tuesday 18 June – visit to Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker and Flatford, East Bergholt.

Friday 21 June – Tutors and volunteers Thank you party – BY INVITATION ONLY.


New items

Visit to Henry Moore Studios and Gardens, Hertfordshire

** **This visit has now been opened up for friends and family, so please encourage everyone to apply.**

A visit to Henry Moore Studios and Gardens has been arranged on Thursday 11 July. Cost £45. Application forms are now available from the Office and on the Trips and visits page of the website. Cost £45. Closing date for applications is now today Wednesday 12 June.

Visit to Down House (Charles Darwin’s home)

A visit to Down House in Kent has been arranged for Tuesday 24 September. Cost £47.00 or £37.00 for English Heritage members. Application forms are now available from the Office and on the Trips and visits page of the website. Closing date for applications is Friday 16 August.


Reminders – Courses 

Summer Events Programme – new items and updates

We have just updated the Programme with additional items and further detail – please have a look by clicking HERE.

A few courses which start shortly still have a few vacancies: SP 01, SP 02, SP 04, SP 05, SP 06, SP 07, SP 08, SP 09, SP 10, SP 11, SP 12.

Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. You may initially request 3 events and places will be confirmed on application. If you request further events (up to a maximum of 6) you will be placed on a holding list and be contacted if the event still has places, about a week before the date. Places are filling up fast!

U3AC cycling group

The U3AC cycling group is open to all U3AC members, and we welcome riders of all abilities, and including those with electric bikes. Our rides are in small, friendly groups and we cycle between 12 and 30 miles, with a refreshment stop. We start from various locations in and around Cambridge. No commitment is required – you can join as many or as few rides as you wish. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact the co-ordinator, Derek Morris at u3ac.cyclingclub@gmail.com.

Our current Rides Programme can be found on the U3AC website. Login to the site, and then visit https://www.u3ac.org.uk/extra-groups/cycling-club/

We have 10 rides planned for June and July, ranging between 15 and 30 miles. Full details of each ride and contact details for the ride leader can be found in the Rides Programme.


Reminders – Events and Visits

Melodious Summer Medley, Thursday 13 June, 11am

A free concert of mixed choral music flavours by the U3AC Choir, directed by Brian Watkins

Celebrate summer with a smorgasbord of choral music, from 16th century French drinking songs to Spirituals, a Sea Shanty, a South African blessing, a joyful excerpt from Haydn’s Creation, and even a medley from Les Misérables! Come and listen to your U3AC friends and colleagues and bring your guests along too for this free concert, starting at 11am prompt.  Location: St James’s Church, Wulfstan Way, CB1 8QJ (on the No.2 Bus route). Refreshments will be available after the concert; donations towards costs would be appreciated.

U3AC Open Day – we need your help with posters

This year’s Open Day will be held on Thursday, 4 July from 10.00am to 1.00pm at Bridge Street. Please make an effort to tell everyone you know who might be interested in becoming a U3AC member – we are very keen to encourage new members!

We have a new version of our poster that specifically refers to the Open Day. We would be grateful if members could arrange to have these put up in their local GP surgeries, village halls, village poster sites, gyms, community centres, libraries, Marketing Suites of new housing developments etc. Posters are available from the Office or you can print them yourself HERE.

Contact the Office if you can help.


Reminders – Other

Artwork in the Social Area

There are displays of two collaborative pieces of work by the Barnwell Art Group (ART 06) in the social area of the Bridge Street premises, both comprising individual contributions from class members. Full descriptions of the processes involved are given on the group website below, the ‘Laurel & Hardy’ jigsaw project on the 2023-24 page, and the ‘Cambridge Shop Windows’ on 2022-23. barnwellartgroup.wordpress.com


Remember to check out our Facebook page to see the latest photos – shared with permission – of U3AC courses, activities and events. Facebook does not replace our Weekly Bulletin and will not be used for communicating directly with members about courses or cancellations. Please follow, like and share U3AC’s Facebook page if you have a Facebook account.

Other organisations

U3AC supports other local organisations by listing their activities on the Other organisations page of our website https://www.u3ac.org.uk/news/other-organisations/