Speaker: TBC Synopsis: TBC Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84361100954?pwd=UhacroBwX6bSwKOJwlOwqNGYVgyCV5.1 Meeting ID: 843 6110 0954 Passcode: 270056
Speaker: Lida Cardozo Kindersley &/or Roxanne Kindersley, Sculptors Synopsis: Geology has shaped the beautiful variety of British stones used for fine carving and letter-cutting, but how do we choose which one to use? Coming from renowned letter-cutting studio The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop, Roxanne and Lida explore the properties and qualities of several categories of British […]
Speaker: Dr Brian McCabe, Fellow and Deputy Senior Tutor of Robinson College Cambridge. Synopsis: Nerve cells are quite astonishing. Simple modifications of their basic design have led to exquisitely sensitive sense organs and some bizarre life styles. I’ll be focussing on the use of electric fields for hunting and social communication, how a simple molecular […]
Speaker: Dr Rosalind Grooms, Cambridge University Press Archivist. Synopsis: In 1534, Henry VIII granted Letters Patent to Cambridge University authorising the printing of ‘all manner of books’, marking the beginning of Cambridge University Press. Celebrating the 490th anniversary of the world’s oldest university press, Rosalind Grooms will give an illustrated talk presenting the archival documents […]
Speaker: Lord Balfe of Dulwich, Member of The House of Lords since 2013 Synopsis: Richard was a member of the European Parliament sponsored Transatlantic Policy Network from the Mid 1980’s until 2004 during which time he made many visits to the United States. Since then he has visited on a number of occasions and has […]
Speaker: Alla Viktorova, from Russia, had a successful career in business and journalism in Moscow. Synopsis: The War in Ukraine is likely to be long and presents the West with numerous challenges, economically, militarily and strategically. The Lecture provides a unique perspective; Alla draws on Russian public sources, data and research, as well as information […]
Speaker: Jane Robinson, Senior Associate of Somerville College, Oxford. Synopsis: Victorian Barbara Bodichon was responsible for the development of feminism in Britain. She campaigned for equal opportunity in the workplace, the law, the polling booth, at home, and in the world beyond the kitchen or the drawing-room; she co-founded the first university college for women […]
Speaker: Dr Jean Marmoreo, one of Canada’s first practitioners to provide Medical Assistance in Dying. Synopsis: The history of the legislative changes in Canada that introduced MAiD to Canadians and moving into the changes and evolution of the more controversial changes that occurred in 2023: mental disorders as the sole underlying cause of the request […]