World Regional Geography - The Islamic World (GEO 01(z))

  • Day and time: Monday 14:15 - 15:15
  • Length of course: 2 terms. Autumn (10 Weeks), Spring (10 Weeks)
  • Number of places: 24
  • Start date: 10 October 2022
  • Description:

    This is a general course on global regions, which is essentially an A-level geography class. We will initially look at aspects of the physical and human environment by which we can compare and evaluate regions. These aspects include climate distribution, physiographic regions, population dynamics and socio-economic indices to include theories of economic development, and current political issues. Using these factors we will then examine Northern Africa and the Middle East regions. We will examine the role of petroleum, water resources and the Islamic schism. This class is a repeat of a course taught last year.

  • Format: Lecture

  • Tutor: Roy Doyon
  • I'm a former professor of geography at a mid-west university in the U.S. and taught courses in world regional geography.

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