5 February 2025

What’s on next week

Tuesday 11 February at 1 pm – Film Group screening will be The Manchurian Candidate

Tuesday 11 February at 4.30 pm – Norah Boyce Science LectureTree Diversity, a controversial nonsense or an absolute necessity? by Keith Sacre

Wednesday 12 February at 2.15 pm – Wednesday LectureJustice and mercy: History and role of the High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire by Victor Lucas

Booking is now open to attend in person in the Pink room – please email the Office.


Reminders – Courses and talks

Attending classes when unwell

Cases of winter flu and colds are rising and as U3AC members are a high-risk demographic group we politely request you to consider your fellow U3AC members and if you feel unwell, particularly if you have a temperature and display symptoms of a respiratory infection, please do not attend your courses or enter the Bridge Street premises or any of our external venues used for courses and activities.

New course – please contact the Office to enrol

GEO 04: Public rights of way and access in England – history, legal basis, rights and responsibilities 2 (Spring term)

Tutor: Jill Tuffnell

Day and time: Tuesday 15:45 – 16:45

Venue: U3AC (Orange room)

Length of course: 1 term. Spring (5 weeks)

Places: 8

Start date: 11 Feb

This course is a repeat of GEO 02.

Format: Taught course or activity

About me: I have been a keen walker for over 40 years and am Secretary of the Cambridge Group of the Ramblers and vice-chair of the Cambridgeshire Local Access Forum.


Reminders – Visits and events

Celebrate mid-summer 2025 with Private fine dining – updated

An exceptional venue has been planned, by the U3AC Lunch Club Organiser, Marie-Joelle Galvez at Trinity Hall on 22 July 2025.

The event is offered to all U3AC members as well as friends and family on a first come first served basis. The minimum places in the historic dining hall are 70 people.

Trinity Hall’s stunning historic architecture, spectacular setting and riverside grounds is one of the oldest and most beautiful of the Cambridge Colleges.

Lunch will be celebrated in the Dining hall. It will be preceded with drinks in Latham Lawn, beautifully manicured gardens and the river terrace overlooking the river cam which are used to host many prestigious outdoor events.

There will be a set menu as well a vegetarian/Vegan option menu which will be issued nearer the time by Trinity Hall’s award-winning chefs who create innovative seasonal dishes with artistic flair.

White table cloths, silver service will set the scene in the dining hall which is housed in its original building dating from 1350 and still has features dating from its medieval beginnings such as the stained glass crests and its minstrel’s gallery.

A friend of Marie-Joelle has generously as an alumni, offered the waiver of the private dining room hire cost and a discount on the meal.

The 2 set menus (standard and Vegetarian/vegan) where all guests will enjoy the same starter, main, dessert will be issued on 1 April 2025.

The price per person is £62.00 – 3 course meal including coffee

Pre-dinner drinks and wine with the lunch are charged on consumption.

Payment is to be made to U3AC bank account which is as follows:


SORT CODE: 08-92-99



The deadline for application is 1 June 2025.

If the maximum places of 134 has been reached the applications will be automatically closed.

Please contact Marie-Joelle Galvez – email: mjagalvez15@gmail.com – to register interest.

Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake

This visit is now full, we are taking names for a waiting list in case anyone cancels their place.

A visit to Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake at Norwich Theatre Royal has been arranged for Thursday 20 March 2025. Cost £68. Application forms are now available on the Trips and Visits page of the website or in person from the Office.

Trip to Bletchley Park

A trip has been arranged to Bletchley Park, near Milton Keynes, on Thursday 1 May 2025. Cost £57.

Bletchley Park, one of the birthplaces of modern computing, was once the top-secret home of the World War Two Codebreakers. It is now a vibrant heritage attraction and museum, displaying the extraordinary achievements of the men and women who worked there.

Application forms will be available on 17 February from the Office and on the Trips and Visits page of the website. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Closing date for applications is Thursday 20 March.


Reminders – General

Photos of your U3AC experience

We’re excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for you to be part of the design of our upcoming U3AC Programme.

To make our new programme cover truly reflective of our vibrant community, we’re inviting all members to submit photos capturing the essence of your U3AC experience.

What kind of photos are we looking for?

  • Action shots: Photos of you actively engaged in your chosen U3AC courses.
  • Group shots: With permission from everyone present – pictures of your class or group enjoying a social activity, outing, or workshop.
  • Moments that matter: Photos that capture the joy, learning, and camaraderie that make U3AC so special.

How to submit your photos:

  • Email: Please send your photos as high-resolution JPEGs to Office@u3ac.org.uk by 1 March 2025.

Important Notes:

  • By submitting your photos, you consent to their use in the U3AC Programme and for other promotional purposes including our website.
  • Please ensure you have the necessary permissions from all individuals in the photos.

We look forward to receiving your wonderful photos and hope to showcase the vibrant life of our U3AC community on the cover of our new programme.

Photography exhibition: ‘Cambridge, then and now’

The Photography Forum has mounted an exhibition on the first-floor gallery in the Bridge Street premises. The photographs are exhibited in pairs, one representing a local scene at some time in the past and its equivalent contemporary photograph. In some cases the scenes have changed out of all recognition, while in others they’re virtually unchanged over half a century and more. Proof of the old axiom “the more things change, the more they stay the same”.

Other organisations

U3AC supports other local organisations by listing their activities on the Other organisations page of our website https://www.u3ac.org.uk/news/other-organisations/


Remember to check out our Facebook page to see the latest photos – shared with permission – of U3AC courses, activities and events. Facebook does not replace our Weekly Bulletin and will not be used for communicating directly with members about courses or cancellations. Please follow, like and share U3AC’s Facebook page if you have a Facebook account.