Mah Jong group (LEI 11)

  • Day and time: Monday 12:45 - 14:45
  • Length of course: 3 terms. Autumn (10 Weeks), Spring (10 Weeks), Summer (7 Weeks)
  • Number of places: 15
  • Start date: 10 October 2022
  • Description:

    A mixture of chance and strategy make for the great enjoyment of this ancient Chinese game which is played using small decorated tiles with the aim of being first to complete one of the many possible combinations of suits and numbers. Methods of play differ slightly throughout the world, but we follow the rules set out in The Game of Mah Jong, by Patricia A. Thompson and Betty Maloney (publ. Kangaroo Press. ISBN 978-0-8641-7302-7) and you will need your own copy. (NB the group has one copy still available for £11, otherwise try The Book Depository, online.) You play as an individual, ideally at tables of 4, but 3 players also make for a good game, and you will experience frequent laughter and occasional frustration! A friendly, informal and not over-competitive atmosphere prevails.

  • Format: Course or activity without teaching

  • Organiser: Colleen Johnston

  • Convenor: Rosemary Mathew
  • Rosemary Mathew Having played Mah Jong as a student - many years ago - it was great fun to re-learn the game and make some very good new friends at U3AC.

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